Healing Your Inner Maiden

A signature course with Dr. Katherine Hall

Heal Your Inner Maiden:

Step into the Full Flowering of your Radiant Womanhood

A 6-month, signature online course with Dr. Katherine Hall

“When healed, the Maiden offers a new template for creation in our lives, one that is deeply intuitive, sensitive, passionate, and unbound by convention.”

About the Course

Many women carry wounding around their Inner Maiden. This wounding will often undermine our self-esteem and prevent us from claiming the full, unselfconscious expression of our femininity.

Just as we can work with the Inner Child at any time, we can also work with our Inner Maiden to reclaim the full blossoming of our empowered, confident, radiant womanhood.

In this 6-Month online course designed for adult women, Dr. Katherine Hall guides you through a set of initiatory, visionary experiences to heal, reclaim, and empower your blossoming Inner Maiden. By the end of the course, your Inner Maiden will have begin to express in the outer world in a way that is affirming, loving, and authentic.

In this course, you’ll receive:

  • Twelve 2-hour gatherings, over 6 months. Gatherings are aligned with the New and Full Moon, and each includes a teaching, a visionary healing experience, and a time for individual sharing and targeted work.

  • Twelve additional guided meditations to work with in the weeks we do not meet.

  • Three 1-1 sessions with Dr. Katherine Hall to facilitate accelerated growth and healing.

  • Email access to Dr. Katherine Hall to ask questions and receive guidance throughout the journey.

  • Lifetime access to all recordings.

  • A supportive, encouraging group of women to facilitate healing in community.

  • A real, tangible, externalized expression of your radiant Inner Maiden.

Because of the deep nature of this work, space is limited to ten women.

Keep scrolling to learn more. Or, you can book a discovery call now to see if this program is right for you.

Please note that early-bird pricing is available until April 12, 2025.

Who is the Inner Maiden?

Our Inner Maiden is a powerful source of passion, longing, and feminine creative desire. When healed, she offers a new template for creation in our lives, one that is deeply intuitive, sensitive, passionate, and unbound by convention.

The healed Inner Maiden embodies radiant blossoming and a desire for open and un-selfconscious connection with others. She creates from the profound knowing that she is unconditionally protected, cherished, and valued.

When the Maiden is Wounded…

Many women hold deep wounding around their Inner Maiden. This can be caused by trauma experienced in this or other lifetimes when the passionate expression of the emerging Maiden has been exploited, co-opted, suppressed, over-ridden, and/or abused.

When the Inner Maiden is wounded, she arrests our blossoming into the full expression of our radiant, empowered womanhood. The wounding can express in many ways: dis-empowerment around boundaries, a lack of security, persistent self-doubt, a blocked ability to create in the material world, unhealthy sexual expression, de-valuing your gifts and presence, constriction around your full, feminine expression, and more.

Emilia Dziubak
We have many modalities for healing the mental body, the physical body, and the emotional body, but healing at the level of the dreaming body invites an openness to subtle realms of experience and knowing.
— Dr. Katherine Hall

The Nature of the Wound

With archetypal wounding, the trauma is experienced at the level of the dreaming body, also known as the subconscious. You may not know just why your Inner Maiden is wounded. This is because dream-body wounding is often subtle and inaccessible to the rational, linear mind. The wounding to your Inner Maiden may have occurred over lifetimes and therefore may not be explicable by your lived experiences. Alternatively, the experiences that led to your wounding may have been felt at the covert levels that flow beneath your conscious awareness. Because these experiences are not validated by linear, rational, cause-and-effect explanations of trauma, you may feel like you don’t “have a right” to feel the way you do. One primary objective of this course is to help you trust in your inner realms of knowing and to validate the deep truths that exist independently of outside circumstances.

The healing experiences in this course are offered through deep, guided visionary work that allows you to travel into your subconscious to discover and heal your invisible wounds. The dream body is the place from where you create your reality, so healing at this level has the potential to catalyze massive shifts in your outer world. However, healing at the level of the dream-body requires a different approach from what you may be accustomed to. This type of healing is non-linear. It is requires compassion, inquiry, and an openness to receive from beyond our rational modalities of experience. Through this course, you will begin more and more to trust the deep, subtle sentience of your inner knowing.

The “Wheel of Return.” Learn more about it in my new book Annea’rah Speaks: A Tale of Creation as Told by the Fae.

The Wheel of Return

Our pathway for healing will be guided by the “Wheel of Return,” a powerful spiritual technology I was gifted for healing the dreaming body. The pathway consists of five Portals, each one containing a set of intiatic, visionary healing experiences to restore the subconscious to alignment with our Highest Presence.

In this course, we will spend one moon cycle within each Portal, receiving its powerful gifts of healing wisdom. In this way, we will be guided to re-write our early trauma at the level of the dreaming body, taking our Inner Maiden through a new initiatic experience that lets her blossom into her fullest, most radiant expression.

By the end of this course…

By the end of this course, your Inner Maiden will have begun to express into the world of form in a way that is affirming, loving, and authentic. She may express through art, song, dance, a new hobby, a new way of caring for your body, a new creation, such as collection of poetry, expressions through clothes or adornments, revolutionized relationships, new projects or gifts, a YouTube channel, a podcast, etc.

The intention is that your healed Inner Maiden will guide you in a natural, empowering way to externalize, so you have a tangible expression of your growth and healing.

Calendar of Events

Note: You will choose between an AM or PM gathering to best accommodate your schedule.

May 13, 2025- Initial Gathering
Introductions, intention setting, first teachings of the Maiden, and community agreements.

Portal 1: Dismantling Wounded Conditioning (Guided by ‘The Void’)

  • May 27, 2025-New Moon Circle: Confronting the Wound

  • June 10, 2025- Full Moon Circle: Receiving the Gift of the Void

  • First 1-1 session

Portal 2: Connecting with Healing Compassion (guided by ‘Earth’)

  • June 24, 2025- New Moon Circle: Healing the Ground of your Soul

  • July 8, 2025: Full Moon Circle: Cleansing the Mind of Survival Fear

Portal 3: Meeting the Inner Maiden (Guided by ‘Transmissions of Self’)

  • July 22, 2025- New Moon Circle: Releasing Vows made in Darkness

  • August 5, 2025- Full Moon Circle: Peering into the Lake

  • Second 1-1 session

Portal 4: Claiming your Heart’s Longing (Guided by ‘Immaculate Conception’)

  • August 19, 2025- New Moon Circle: Listening to the Desires of the Heart

  • September 9, 2025- Full Moon Circle: Casting the Vision

  • Third 1-1 session

Portal 5: Break into Blossom (‘Guided by Receiving’)

  • September 23, 2025- New Moon Circle: Speaking Visions into Being

  • October 7, 2025- Full Moon Circle: Merging with your Inner Maiden

October 14, 2025: Final Gathering

Sharing, Celebrations, and Reflections

A Full-Bodied YES!

If you are feeling...

  • A full-bodied YES to deepening your unique, empowered, radiant feminine expression

  • Deeply inspired to uncover a whole new way of feminine creation that is uniquely yours

  • Excited to let your beautiful inner maiden express outwardly in different realms of your life

  • Ready to step into a loving, supportive community of women

  • Curious about the deep wells of new self-discovery that await...

I invite you to answer the call!

Until April 12, 2025, the full course is available for $3300.

After that, the investment will jump to $3750.*

*Payment plans are available

About Your Guide

D. Katherine Hall

I am an award-winning author of three books, an editor, and the founder of Books of Eden Publishing (I am also published under Katherine Hall Newburgh, Ph.D).

After an intense spiritual awakening seven years ago, I left all I knew and began traveling around the world to work with teachers and places that could help me understand the subtle, unseen realms of magic that exist all around us. I worked with, and was trained in, many deep visionary healing lineages that heal, align, and restore the subconscious.

While writing my most recent book, I traveled for a year in the inner realms and was gifted the “Wheel of Return” - a powerful, compassionate, experiential Spiritual Technology that offers a pathway for union with our Highest Divine Expression. My own journey on the Wheel of Return restored my Inner Maiden, and I was urged to bring this pathway into the world as a gift for other women. It is my honor to do this work, and I wholeheartedly invite you to join me on this life-transforming journey.