Publish your Sacred Text
Are you a visionary author of the New Earth? Do you have a shining manuscript, a sacred text that you’re ready to prepare for publication?
Keep scrolling for information on what we publish and how to work with us.
Available Now
The self-paced course: Writing as a Sacred Act: Your Personal Pathway to Publication
Tried-and true secrets from an award-winning author, editor, and publisher. Spiritual & energetic alignment meets highly practical tools. Receive all you need to publish your manuscript in its highest, most fulfilled expression. YOU ARE writing a book that will change the lives of others. YOU are writing the book they will read far into the night.
$1125 Value
Available now for: $333
Further Editing Services
Write the Book that will change you.
WhatWe Publish
New Sacred Texts: manuscripts that convey messages of the deep truth of heart and soul, aligned with the new consciousness that is arising.
Practical Mysticism: ways of bringing magic, mysticism, and gifts of subtle sentience “down to Earth,” so it can help infuse the daily lives of readers.
Spiritual Technology: books, recordings, songs, lectures, etc designed to promote healing and heart/soul/life alignment.
Stories of the New Humanity: personal stories of healing, as well as “fictionalized” stories that convey knowledge of New Earth.
There is a wisdom…
… only you hold, and it is time now for that wisdom to come forth. Our books are already whole and complete, and yet, they are shaped in resonance with your own creative pulse and deep, personal wisdom.
We work together to bring forward into physical completion the book that already lives and breathes within your being.
Something You Can Hold
At the end of our time together, you will have a published book that you can hold in your hands.
Having an artifact like this is a powerful reminder of who you are in your own highest expression.
Why Become a Books of Eden Author?
Join a growing community of published visionary authors.
Perhaps you’ve felt that your message and stories are too “out there” for others to understand. You may have felt like a lone wolf, or that the magical insights you know to be true aren’t reflected anywhere in the world around you. In the Books of Eden community, you will be surrounded by supportive listeners and others who are playing at your level of visionary genius.
Access to all Books of Eden conferences, workshops, summits, gatherings, and classes/webinars.
As a Books of Eden author, you will be invited to speak/present/give workshops at our summits and gatherings. We want to provide many opportunities for you to offer your visionary gifts to a larger audience. Even if you are not speaking or presenting, you will receive reduced or free admission to all events, webinars, masterclasses and online courses.
Participate in a new business model.
Books of Eden is founded on values of generosity, transparency, empowerment, and synarchy. We believe that everyone who works with Books of Eden is equally essential to the success of the whole. We reflect these values in many ways, including our royalty agreements, which are designed so that authors receive the majority of revenue from their own books.
Pathway to Publication
When you become a Books of Eden author, you enter a unique, 3-phase program called “Pathway to Publication,” which covers everything you need to know to become a published author with us. From intuitive editing to the details of formatting, from cover-design to launch, this program guides you every step of the way.
Pricing and Services
If you’re ready to take the leap and publish your manuscript it in its highest, most fulsome, most fulfilled expression, I offer a full manuscript read-through to provide an in-depth, sensitive, and practical editing map.
This phase begins with a deep read-through of your manuscript. With this initial read-through, you will receive a practical and intuitive map for your editing journey. Receive developmental, sensitive, and in-depth reflections on the structure, flow, tone, voice, and message of your book, as well as refection questions, writing prompts, and targeted feedback. My intention is always to lift up the innate wisdom and form of the book, letting it take its true shape through our work together.
Initial read-through of manuscript (includes a 30-min preliminary meeting, and a 60-minute, 1-1 debrief.
$1700 value
Now available for $1,250
1-1 Editing Sessions
After the initial read-through, we decide on a rhythm for meeting in hour-long 1-1 editing sessions. Each editing session guides focuses on a specific section of the text, taking you through sticky points and accelerating your completion of the manuscript into its final form. Each session is designed to empower you with new thoughts, perspectives, reflections, and ideas on how to move forward.
Editing sessions are $225 each. Package discounts are available (see above section “Further Editing Services”).
These editing sessions pair well as supplements to our self-paced, flagship course: Writing as a Sacred Act: Your Personal Pathway to Publication (click below to enroll).
To Get Started
Have you written, or are you writing, a visionary text? Do you feel a gorgeous resonance with the mission and vision of Books of Eden? Do you long to bring your book into the world in community with other visionary authors? I recommend all authors begin with our one-of-a-kind flagship course: “Writing as a Sacred Act: Your Personal Pathway to Publication.”
Why write your story?
There’s something deeply healing about saying what you want to say, how you want to say it. When I wrote my story, I found myself. I came home.
-Dr. Kate Newburgh, Founder of Books of Eden Publishing; author of The New Eden: Paradise Retold, and Finding Home: A Mystical Memoir
When you work with me, you’ll receive:
A 3-phase pathway to publication that covers every detail you will need to know about moving from draft to publication.
Regular meetings to draw forward your message and address new thoughts, ideas, and feelings that emerge.
Intuitive writing prompts and reflection questions to ease the flow of writing and editing.
Guided, intuitive, and somatic visualizations to empower you through any challenges that arise as you write.
Compassionate, empowering in-depth editing.
Encouragement and accountability through to the completion of your project.
Guidance through the whole, unpredictable, and often challenging writing process!
More Benefits
Most likely, you already have a sense of why it is so important for you to write your story. But here are some further benefits that storytelling can help with:
Healing and release
Empowerment and claiming of your innate dignity and worth
Discovering your soul gifts
Finding your true voice
Reframing your past
Self-acceptance and self-love
Articulating your truth
Honing your message
Developing new skills of expression
Coming home to yourself
Make it stand out