Writing as a Sacred Act: Your Personal Pathway to Publication

Tried-and true secrets from an award-winning author, editor, and publisher. Spiritual & energetic alignment meets highly practical tools. Receive all you need to publish your manuscript in its highest, most fulfilled expression. You are writing the book that will change you. You are writing a book that others will read far into the night.

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Meet the Editor

Meet the Editor ✳

Dr. Katherine Hall

Dr. Katherine Hall (Kate) is an award-winning author, editor, and founder of Books of Eden Publishing. She is the author of two books: The New Eden: Paradise Retold and Finding Home: A Mystical Memoir, which won the silver medal in the 2024 international Coalition of Visionary Resources Award. With Books of Eden, she edits and publishes books from authors that tell stories of deep healing and spiritual growth. Dr, Katherine Hall earned her Ph.D in Curriculum Design from the University of Denver, so with this course so combines her two passions!

To learn more about editing and publishing services, reach out: admin@booksofeden.com