Our Authors

speak the language of the divine in its many forms. They are the authentic seers, mystics, visionaries, oracles, and embodied dreamers of the New Earth -The New Eden- that is dawning.

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Are you a visionary author of the New Earth?

Have you written, or are you writing, a visionary text? Do you feel a gorgeous resonance with the mission and vision of Books of Eden? Do you long to bring your book into the world in community with other visionary authors?

Click below to get started with our flagship course: “Writing as a Sacred Act: Your Personal Pathway to Publication.”

Write the book that will change you.

Course designed by award-winning author and editor, Dr. Katherine Hall; Ph.D in Curriculum Design:

Your Personal Pathway to Publication:

All you need to know to get started!

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Write the book that will change you.

In the News

Award-Winning Author

I am thrilled to announce that Finding Home: A Mystical Memoir was awarded the silver medal in the COVR Visionary Awards contest!

The Chronicle News published a beautiful write-up on my journey. You can read it here!


I was honored to interview with Vialet Rayne on her podcast, Sacred Magic. We had such a wonderful discussion on the courage it takes to follow those unexpected nudges of the heart. Access the link below!

Another Celebration!

Boulder Magazine did an amazing write-up on my work. Read the article here!


Introducing Dr. Katherine Hall Newburgh’s long awaited second book: Finding Home: A Mystical Memoir

Perhaps you feel it, Reader, as I have since I was very young- the strange and unfamiliar density of this place we call Earth; this place where people insist that a stone is a stone, that time is a tyrannical force, and that gravity is real.
Perhaps you, like me, have known a different Earth, at a different time, when the essence of every thing shone through its form; when you could whisper to water and watch it form living citadels to your words, when you commanded light as a sentient force. Where beauty was the highest principle of creation…

For as long as she could remember, Kate felt that there was more to this world than we could see with our physical eyes. She saw magic everywhere, and she couldn’t understand how others could be blind to it. Over time, she let the voices of the world turn her away from her own knowing. She relegated her visions to the realm of fantasy. But that sense of magic never left her.
This memoir is Kate’s story of awakening back into her truest self as she learns to reclaim the magic that she was born with. Written two years after an immense spiritual awakening, this story takes place over six months of travel, from rural France (stronghold of the Templars and Mary Magdalene) to the wild moors of Scotland, Kate was called to walk the places that would awaken her mystical origins and otherworldly power.
An incredible, first-hand account of adventure, awakening, and faith, this memoir follows Kate’s intimate, intricate process of remembering who she truly is and what she has come here to do.
If you are drawn to this book, perhaps you too have turned away from the voices of magic that, deep down, you never stopped believing in. Perhaps you’re seeking something- that truest self, that original vow, the purest blueprint of your being. There are many of us awakening now. Let this book spark within you the deepest knowing of your truest self. Let this book awaken in you that first, most potent step toward manifestation: belief.

The New Eden: Paradise Retold by
Katherine Hall Newburgh, Ph.D

Available Now


“Be still, and know that you are God.”

Humanity stands at a collective moment of awakening, where, as a species, we will be lifted irreversibly beyond ego and into the realm of the heart. The journey starts, however, with the self. This book offers a path to your heart’s inner sanctuary, guiding you through the maze of story and belief that obscure your true self.
This book is a form of spiritual technology, grounding the divine in the practical world of here and now. It is structured in two parts:

  • Part I engages your thinking mind, reframing- and destabilizing- long-standing concepts (such as money, debt, sin, the battle of the sexes, and unconditional love) that form the basis for our current reality.

  • Part II offers eight shamanic journeys that draw from the ancient healing modality of Heart Imagery. These visualizations bypass your thinking mind and touch directly on your subconscious to promote permanent release, healing, and empowerment.

    Those of us drawn to this book are frontrunners of the New Eden- the living template of grace that abides at the heart of all beings. This process of evolution is inevitable. The question we ask is not “if” or even “when,” but “how?”

    This book answers: gently, joyfully, and with grace.

“Every word speaks to your higher consciousness- awakening the pieces that were once sleeping.”

— Kira Krier


“The world needs this book.”

— Noreen Berger